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Zero Waste Network Stream
Wednesday 27th October

7.30am // Patakuihi/Breakfast


8.30 - 10.30am // Zero Waste Advocacy 

Building a zero waste world involves changing hearts, minds and behaviour. Telling a convincing story about zero waste is key to this, but the ways this can be done are many and varied.


This session will explore how ZWN members are being zero waste advocates, and what support is needed to make us all even more effective. 

10.30 - 11am // Kai/Morning Tea

11-12.30pm // Streamed sessions

Option One: Organics - what could a thriving national composting ecosystem look like?

Organic waste is finally getting the focus it deserves at the central government level, and there are more opportunities in this space than there have been for a long time. 

We'll hear some preliminary results of the Manaaki Whenua/ZWN research into the current state of composting around the country, and from Sophie Mander from Queenstown Lakes District Council about their Community Composting Project. These will give us some great context to discuss what the key issues and opportunities for new enterprises and projects are, as well as the potential for collaborative approach. 

Option Two: Container Return Scheme and the opportunity for community enterprise

A national product stewardship scheme for containers represents a huge shift towards a circular economy, and it's one that the community enterprise sector could play a meaningful role.

Sue Coutts and Matthew Luxon will lead this session, and will give an update on where the process to establish a nationwide scheme is at as well as ZWN's vision for how it might work. Participants will get to feed into ZWN's planning, with their ideas for what is and isn't going to work. 

12.30-1.30pm // Tina/Lunch

1.30-3pm // ZWN AGM & Strategy/Activity Updates

This is the formal part of the programme - you'll hear all about the year that's been, and what the plans for the future are. We'll also announce the new Board members.

3-3.30pm // Kai/Afternoon Tea

3.30 - 4pm // Member Updates

Members are encouraged to get in touch with Dorte if you'd like to do a short presentation about your work. If you have new projects or something tricky you'd like to get a whole room of zero waste experts help on, or if you've got something you're really proud of or think others could benefit from hearing about this is the perfect opportunity. Depending on how many people want to take up this speaking opportunity, you'll get 5-10mins of our undivided attention. 

4.30pm Waka Ama (optional)

6pm Dinner

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