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COVID 19 Plan

In the event that there is a change in Covid-19 alert levels, regional or national, we will most likely cancel the in-person sessions of the hui, and move these online. 

We will need most regional (in particular Auckland) Covid-19 Alert levels to be at Level 2 or lower to go ahead with the in-person sessions.


We will endeavour to provide refunds where possible, although the booking fee is non-refundable. 


For up-to-date information, please visit this website page, as this is where we will be posting any new information as it becomes relevant.


Please, do not attend the event if you are unwell.  

Update from 20 August 2021:

At the stage we are planning on going ahead with the hui, but will reassess when we have more information about lockdown lengths and Alert Levels.

Update from 24 August 2021:

We're holding on to hope that the hui can go ahead as planned, but it is looking increasingly unlikely. We will make a final call on the 31st August after the announcement on Auckland's Alert levels. 

The best case scenario is that Auckland goes to Level 3 after the 31st, and down to Level 2 sometime in the first two weeks of September, allowing us all to travel between regions (the downgrading of previous Alert levels from 3 to 2 have taken around 2 weeks). Anything other than the best case scenario will mean that we will need to make the decision to cancel the in-person event and move it online.

Thanks for your ongoing patience!

Update 30 August:

We will be moving the hui to an online platform. More details to come for exact timings later this week.


Thanks for submitting!

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